Wrestling with Certainty
I've been reading "The Myth of Certainty" by Daniel Taylor this week. I still need to process it with my tutor, but I have been wrestling with some of his thoughts and statements (mostly ideas on reason).
These are the final statements of his book, in which I do appreciate.
"I have learned to live with the rise and fall of the thoughts and feelings of faith, to co-exist with honest doubt, to accept tension and paradox without clinging to it as an excuse for inaction. I have learned to be a minority without seeking to be an adversary. I am trying to do what people of faith have always done- respond to revelation by my own best lights, struggle to understand all that can be understood and have reverence for the rest, act beyond my certain knowledge in the faith that such action is blessed. 'Lord, I believe; help though my unbelief.'"
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