This is a thought we've been chewing on since we went to church in Colorado Springs.
What is the "American Christian" perspective on democracy as a form of government? The impression we get is that it's viewed as: 1- the best, 2- the only "right" form of government, 3- obviously the one most supportive of the Bible and moral living, and 4- the one God himself endorses... just look at the success of this country and the ideals it was founded on.
Here are our concerns with ethnocentric perspectives on one's own government. First, democracy is never used in the Bible. God's own people were governed by patriarchal tribes, then judges, then monarchies, and then foreign control. Did any form of political structure stop God? Could God be limited by the governments in place in our world today?
I hear so much negative talk about Communism in China as this horrible evil preventing the Chinese from freedom to practice religion. And yet, the church is growing faster there than anywhere else in the world and the people are eager to hear about the Bible and Jesus Christ.
Here's personal bias: Communism in its ideal state is the governmental system that most appropriately fits what the Christian community should be. However, humanity is fallen and sinful and no system we create will ever be perfect and right. Thus, communism will never be what it claims. The same with democracy. I am unwilling, then, to say that democracy is the best, or "christian," form of government.