Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tolerance vs. Acceptance

Here are a couple of our thoughts made relevant by the conversations and experiences we seem to have everyday.

Tolerance seems to be the educationally pushed approach to people of difference - difference in origin, background, behavior, approach, mindset, belief, etc. The great thing about tolerance is that is promotes the idea that it is ok to be different, especially when it comes to race, religion, sexual preference, and such. However, tolerance seems to push the idea that there is no right or wrong and that we should just put up with each other. It actually comes across as an aversion to confrontation – avoidance. To us that seems void of something we believe strongly in – an actual love and care for the person we are labeling “different”. (How we determine who is “different” is baffling, but is it’s own conversation we won’t attempt today.)

Acceptance recognizes difference… and celebrates it. Acceptance loves people as they are, truly, making no need to “just put up with.” But, acceptance can also recognize healthy and unhealthy behavior and isn’t afraid to speak openly in love for the benefit of all parties. As well, acceptance always hopes that others will grow in knowledge, experience and (as a Christ follower) awareness of their need for a relationship with Jesus Christ. More importantly, acceptance uses the differences to make ONESELF recognize his or her own need for growth in knowledge, experience and a relationship with Jesus Christ. That is what a Christian is to us. That is why we don’t support tolerance. That is why we believe in acceptance! Acceptance = Love = Jesus Christ.


At 1:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that is a most well thought out perspective, my fine wise young nephew and wife. You are on the road less traveled!


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