Wednesday, August 09, 2006


It seems to me that we do not often hear the whole story of the faith process. We hear sermon illustrations and read Christian living books that tell us brief stories of people who took a “leap of faith.” We make it sound like blind faith and we miss the part of the story that led up to the people taking that step. You see, blind faith is an oxymoron. Faith is belief based on the evidence we experience in our lives. These leap of faith stories are more aptly Christ moving one to do something that seems completely rational but may seem crazy to others who do not understand their personal relationship with God.

Many of the “crazy” things we do are not really so crazy. “Crazy” is a label given by our culture based on what is termed normal or not. As Pastor Phil always says, “Christianity is a rebellion against the status quo.” It’s intentional and with reason. There’s nothing “blind” about it.

In application to our own lives, we are going to Switzerland because we have both felt, for similar and different reasons in our relationship with Christ, that this is where we are supposed to be for a time. Some have thought this to be a crazy decision, a “leap of faith, something that we need to do to get “out of our system” and “while we are young.” Although it will be a stretch for us in many ways, it seems completely rational to us. The evidence that we have in our hearts and minds is overwhelming. We both know this is where we have to be. We believe this is the next step in our life that we have to take before we can be more effective people with a purpose. It’s because of our communication with God, and where He has been leading us, but it doesn’t mean that He is leading you there.

However, if God makes himself evident in your life, you better do something about it even if your culture (which may include your Christian culture) says it is crazy.


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