Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lesson Prep w/ Prof. Jesus

Have you ever pictured Jesus doing lecture prep?

I haven't. In all the years I've learned about "what" Jesus said, I've never thought much about "how" Jesus said it. The latest book I'm reading, The Method and Message of Jesus' Teachings closely looks at both. I was reading the other night about all the literary devices he employs when presenting his messages to the masses. Stein breaks down such devices as metaphor, hyperbole, pun, irony, paradox, overstatement, proverb, and various forms of poetry. Concluding the discussion of such he makes the following comment.
One can conclude that Jesus must have spent time in organizing his teaching and preparing its form, for unless we assume that this poetic parallelism (one of the forms of poetry) simply popped into his mind on the spur of the moment, we must conclude that Jesus carefully prepared for his "classes." Perhaps some of the time that he sought to be alone was not only for the purpose of prayer but also to prepare what and how he would teach.
I find that idea fascinating! It adds a certain sense of realistic humanity to his character that sometimes seems missing when contemplating a perfect Jesus as presented in the gospels.


At 1:35 PM , Blogger Camaschick said...

One doesn't think about Jesus preparing to talk.. . but most good communicators DO in fact take time to prepare. . Thanks for sharing that thought. Good food FOR thought!

At 9:08 PM , Blogger lizzydew said...

I dunno. I think He just came out with it. I mean... He is God ya know... I think its that much more amazing to think as a man He was that smart, that witty, that clever.

But maybe he did prepare. I remember watching Mel's flick, a little movie called the Passion... and some of the most moving parts for me were Mary's flashbacks to Jesus' childhood... the ones that made them feel like real people.


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