Wednesday, November 21, 2007

L'Abri Thanksgiving Reunion: Day 1

Exactly one year ago, we were living in Switzerland, celebrating the American holiday of Thanksgiving with 30+ dear friends (whom had only 3 months earlier been complete strangers).

A few months ago, Tori and Adrienne posed the idea of a Thanksgiving reunion at our place. That was all that had to be said.

This week, we have 13 of those friends from L'Abri traveling in from around the country to be together, to celebrate Thanksgiving... to have a reunion!

Monica from Australia is in route to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with Jeremy. She graced us with a layover so we could spend a day together. It was absolutely wonderful to see her after our farewell in Italy a year ago.

So, last night, we met up with Gwen and Tara (who flew to CA early to visit family) for dinner.

Then Katie came over and we all enjoyed delicious Australian wine and biscuits and Italian Limoncello.


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