Monday, July 30, 2007

Homosexuality and the Gay Gene

I've been really trying to understand homosexuality at a different level this year from different perspectives. I had many discussions and read quite a few books at L'Abri dealing with the "Biblical View" (which was across the board) as well as studies being done on homosexuality and the genetic make-up of humanity. I still do not have any clear answers, but I have made some conclusions for the present. I do know as a church, regardless of who you are, we need to show people to Christ. It is not up to us to change people into what we think they should be. If that is the case, then we are putting ourselves in the seat of God.

To dialog about these issues is great, especially when you are actually listening in that dialog. One book that was very helpful in understanding some of the science behind it all is Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate, by Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse.

Here are some other blogs that I believe do a good job in opening discussion on the issues:
Average Joe's Corner (July 11th and 27th posts)
Mindful Mission any article on homosexuality



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