Tuesday, November 27, 2007

L'Abri Thanksgiving Reunion: The Wind-Down

Day 6 was the sad farewell that came all too quickly. Jared had been picked up the night before by his cousin. The carpool crew had to leave mid-morning and Elizabeth had a mid-day flight. Allison was picked up by a few friends and Tara left for her Aunt's. Thankfully, Deanna, Tori, Adrienne, and Gwen weren't ready to say goodbye (because we certainly weren't ready to say goodbye, either) right away.

Yes, Deanna and Gwen did leave Sunday, but Tori and Adrienne are still with us.

So, though Kay and I are back to the grind, we have our beloved girls (who have started calling us Mom and Dad) to welcome us home (dressed in our clothes and dancing around the apartment to Gnarl's Barkley) when we get home from work. It is definitely an instant release from the stresses of the work day.

This is their photo confession of going through our closet.

Evenings have been spent playing Nertz, talking, In-N-Out (complete with innuendo), episodes of Black Adder, and ice cream. It has been a very nice, needed ending to the week. Had everyone left at once, we would have felt lonely and sad far more so than we did. This way we able to slowly work back into normal daily life but still have evenings with beloved friends.

How's that, Tori?



At 4:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

hey dad...hey mom....
i can't believe that i'm home already. and miss you like crazy. gah...


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