In light of the last 8 years of presidency, I have become politically wary of the tie between politics and religious beliefs (in a supposed government that separates politics and religion - which in reality is impossible). This finds relevance in the latest popular obsession of Sarah Palin's conservative Christianity.
I'm not convinced politicians really have appropriate grounds in appealing to their Christian tradition as means for their decision making. First of all, what real Bible training do most politicians have? This calls into question their interpretation. Not that the lay reader can't simply read the Bible and derive personal meaning from it. I do believe they can. However, to claim it as an influential tool in making decisions that impact millions of people and run one of the most powerful countries in the world is downright foolish. The Bible is an incredibly difficult text. It should not be used as a decision-making tool for someone who doesn't carefully study its context and contemporary application.
Second, I've seen the way conservative Christians run my church, manage my coworkers, treat my neighbors... and frankly, I just don't trust them. To have another conservative Christian running my government scares me.
Third, religious practice is the farthest things from important at this point in our nation's history. I'm more concerned with our economy, home mortgages, dependence on depleting energy resources, education, and foreign policy. What help is being ultra pro-life on those matters?!
To base an argument that Sarah Palin is the best choice for VICE president based on her conservative christian faith and the fact that she makes decisions in light of her beliefs (as a recent news article, with multiple interviews of her staff and personal relations reported) seems ludicrous. I have no reason to trust her biblical interpretation for making valid decisions and influencing her political leanings. She walks a party line just like everyone else, despite her religious leanings. It's a personal choice, not a religious compulsion.
To vote for her simply as a politician... it's worth considering. To vote for her as a Christian politician... NO WAY!