Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Business

It's been WAY too long since our last post. We have been in a re-evaluation mode for the blog. I think it will become mostly my domain for now due to the requisites of professionalism. (Though I'm sure we will all celebrate the return of Kay at some point down the line). Plus, I'm more known for spouting nonsense (which seems to be the majority of blogs I come across) and I work for a company that could care less about my online endeavors.

Anyway, without getting too far today, I'll just give a few links that came across my email this past week. They are the links to my Dad and Uncle's businesses. Part of me just laughs when I pull them up. There's nothing like watching a video of your father selling his business on the internet whenever you miss hearing that sweet, sweet voice... of oppression! (Just kidding. That's a little Father/Son-angst humor for anyone out there that has a father).

Actually, I thinks it's pretty cool that they have embarked on these business ventures together. Maybe someday my brother and I can open a business together (fat chance!), like a Peppersauce bottling company or something.

So, without further ado:

The Deck Yard
Chicago Solar Energy
Colorado Solar Energy


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